Media statement – functions at Fort Scratchley during Newcastle 500 weekend
05 Apr 2023
City of Newcastle held three events at Fort Scratchley during the Newcastle 500, which is in line with what was done during the 2019 Newcastle 500.
Approximately 200 City of Newcastle employees and their guest attended an event on the Friday of the race weekend after being selected via an internal ballot. General Admission tickets were provided at no cost to City of Newcastle and our staff. Those attending were required to take a day of annual leave in order to attend. All costs (including food and drink) were paid for by the staff who attended.
Approximately 300 business and community leaders attended an event on the Saturday of the race weekend at Fort Scratchley, which also featured a fundraising event for domestic violence charities Got Your Back Sista and Nova for Women and Children. Just over $40,000 was raised for the two charities. Again, General Admission tickets to the event were provided at no cost to City of Newcastle.
An event held on the Sunday of the race weekend was a public event with more than 300 people purchasing tickets, with income from the event ensuring not only were all costs associated with using Fort Scratchley across the weekend covered but that a profit of $10,805.99 was made.